It is wonderful to be resuming our newsletters
and looking forward to updating all of you on
many important issues.
Many of you might have heard that over the
Succos holiday our Brooklyn office was wiped
out due to a fire. We are working very hard
to keep things rolling smoothly and resume as
many functions in the tri state area and beyond
as possible. Of course we can use all the help
that we can get!
Please note our new contact info:
Rings in Israel: 718-303-5955
Israel cell: 011-972-52-763-1500
2064 East 35th Street Brooklyn, NY 11234
For info about our upcoming auction
and/or order tickets or raffles
for the Israel trip, call:
718-338-6344 Fax 718-375-6125
are also proud to announce the opening of our Silver
Spring chapter with the first meeting on November 18th.
(See web site for details in the events section). We
are looking forward to the opening of many more needed
JDA chapters.
Please join us together with your friends and
family at our first major get together, this
Motzoei Shabbos, November 10th in Brooklyn (details
This event was initiated by a young girl, Devorah Waiss (see her letter below) and a
few determined and talented women that recognized
the great need within the community for the
work that JDA is doing. Only HaShem can repay
them the chessed that they have undertaken,
and all those that have worked to make this
We hope you have a grand time at this Melave
Malka/Chinese Auction that will be packed with
fun and surprises. But more important will be
the information that you will be passing on
to JDA so that we can know how to fulfill the
needs of the community to the maximum.
Always waiting to hear from you
 and the entire
JDA family |