Now with summer here everyone would love to spend more time outside. There are no immediate holidays coming up which gives us a lot of time for introspection and enjoyment without a lot of EATING. One thing that is most important; is to keep up with an easy and enjoyable exercise regimen that we will stick to no matter how busy we will be and whatever the time of the year!
Always remember that exercising in combination with a medical condition takes know how!
Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to help prevent the unset of diabetes and health related issues. Exercise is also one of the most important factors for the control of many of these health related issues, to help keep your blood sugar levels in balance and to decrease your risk of medical complications. Exercise makes you more fit. It also makes you feel better, look better, and boosts your self-esteem. Exercise can strengthen your heart, lower your blood pressure, and reduce your stress.
How to Get Started:
Visit your doctor for a complete physical examination. Your current health and fitness will help in deciding what kind of exercise program will be right for you.
Set realistic exercise goals. If you set difficult goals too soon, you may become frustrated and give up.
When You Exercise:
Choose activities that you enjoy. The more choices and interests you have, the less likely you are to become bored with exercise.
Make sure you have the right equipment, clothing, and shoes. This includes medical identification - a wallet card, necklace or bracelet.
Keep track of your progress. Record each exercise session in your diary or logbook.
To begin, start slowly. Don't try to do too much at once, no matter how enthusiastic or fit you feel. Then, as you improve your physical fitness, you can increase your exercise.
It is especially important for those with T1 diabetes to test your blood sugars before you begin to exercise. For those with T2 it is equally helpful to have records of BG and how one feels both before and after exercise.
If your blood sugars are low it is recommended to have a snack before starting your exercise. A good rule of thumb is 15 gr. of carbs per 30 minutes of exercise. (See our chart on carbs burned per hour in this section.)
Ask your health professional about exercising when BGs are over 240 (This is for Type 1), and whether or not and how to adjust blood sugars. Always check for ketones if BGs are elevated. Drink a lot of fluids to help flush out high BGs
Always drink when exercising. Drink at least 8 oz. for every 30 minutes of exercise.
Ideally, exercise should begin about one to two hours after a meal, so the food will balance the exercise to keep your blood sugar from going too low.
If possible, plan your exercise for the same time every day. Or, have a plan for food and medication on days when activity varies.
Carry a fast-acting sugar food like commercial glucose tablets, real sugar, or raisins or juice.
Use appropriate natural-fiber cotton socks and well-fitting comfortable shoes that breathe and support your feet.
Making Exercise a Part Of Your Regular Routine:
To give your body the full benefits of exercise, it is best to begin with five to ten minutes a day three to five times a week. Since it takes six weeks to turn an activity into a regular habit, it may be best to begin with a three-day program and work your way up after the close of six weeks. Once you have worked up to a five-day program, your body will benefit from both exercise and rest/rebuild time. As you are making exercise a priority part of your treatment plan, do not be discouraged if you miss an exercise period here and there. Even if you miss a week or two, just pick yourself up and begin again. A little exercise is better than none at all.
Try to exercise with a partner. Even if you lose incentive, your partner will help to keep you going, and vice versa.
Always check with your health care team before starting on a new exercise program!
It is much harder to lose weight if you don't exercise as well. Studies show that a half-hour walk every day significantly increases the body's metabolism, thereby greatly facilitating weight loss. Choose an exercise program that suits your age, health, and temperament. Some people love swimming, others find low-impact aerobics to be a great release, and still others are content with a brisk walk. If you find these boring, try joining a fitness studio with state-of-the-art equipment. The music and social stimulation are bound to get you going! Or put together a group of walkers.
Exercise has tremendous benefits beyond weight loss. It helps your digestion, helps you sleep better, and keeps you more alert during your waking hours. It also helps keep you young looking, and releases endorphins (the "feel-good" hormone), which helps prevent certain diseases and increases stamina. What more could you ask for?
Remember that there are no magic foods or supplements that can replace the right training and the right diet. The foundation of any program, whether your goal is to control your blood sugar, be healthier, lose weight, or gain muscle, is a combination of exercise and a healthy diet that includes all the necessary nutrients.
Be sure to consult with your physician before embarking on any new eating regimen or exercise program.
©Copyright Jewish Diabetes Association 2017